Tag Archives: Environment

Ripped from the Entertainment!

A new day!
Old news and new ones!

What should I write about?
What should I choose?
What is appropriate and what isn’t?

Everyday I check bbc.co.uk for news and sharing them on my various virtual accounts.
From politics to entertainment to sports to the environment.

Today’s Daily Prompt was all about ripping it from the headlines, and with how bleak and horrible many of the political headlines are, I decided to go with the Golden Globes.

I am not talking about who is the best dressed or worst dressed, I do not go there.
I am talking about who got best director, best movie drama, best actress in a movie or best song track for a movie (hint: well deserved winner Adele for SKYFALL).

And the headlines of the article that attracted my attention was:

Golden Globes: Ben Affleck’s Argo scoops two awards

I heard of ((ARGO)) and saw its trailer many times before by chance my friend and I had to watch it at the movie theater over her in Egypt.
See, my friend and I were intending to watch “The Hobbit” at the IMAX (which you can say is located at the borders of the Cairo state district, hard to get to) but unfortunately the movie screens for that were booked for VODAFONE WINNERS (more like idiots rather than winners, SORRY! that was my frustrated inner-self speaking, what would you feel when on your weekend you decide to take a long an hour and a half drive through traffic to watch a movie at a special movie theater and find out it was totally booked).

Anyway; so we had to find another movie to watch, the only movie we thought might be worth it, was ARGO. MV5BMTc3MjI0MjM0NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTYxMTQ1OA@@._V1._SY317_CR0,0,214,317_
And it was! I love anything that has adventure, history and real events in it.
It opened my eyes to some stuff that I did not know about, and made me want to go home and read more about it.
Which I did.

So, go and check more about ARGO ~ the movie at this link if you want where you can the trailers there as well.

I really think that Ben Affleck deserved to win best director, as for the best movie drama I am not sure of, comparing it to other movies in that category, I think it might be a wrong choice. (I say that after I found out most of the drama was added and not from the actual story)


And that is the news for today, hope you have a great evening. Good Night! 😉

Do you believe in MIRACLES?

“There are only two ways to live your life.



One is as though nothing is a miracle.




The other is as though everything is a miracle.” 
― Albert Einstein 

Happy Earth Day (2012)


It’s that day again! It’s the 22nd of April, and it is a special day! Other than it’s Earth Day, it’s also my mother’s birthday. Double the SPECIAL.

Anyway; to make things short go on the direct website for Earth Day, donate for this year’s projects, or simply share the word. http://www.earthday.org/

Even check out the cool google doodle to celebrate the day

So, I will leave you with a simple note 😀 Try to do something GREEN today 😀






Earth Hour 2012

Earth hour is upon us again, and to be exact it’s going to be in just two more days.

EARTH HOUR 2012 at 8:30 pm on the 31st of March.

You got to switch of the lights for just AN HOUR, from 8:30pm to 9:30pm. Not long at all, and I think there wouldn’t be any excuse for us all to do it.

Celebrate your good action for the planet. This action is all about listening to EARTH and giving it a voice. Help raise awareness for sustainability issues.

PARTICIPATE IN IT 😀 I already took the pledge as an individual. Now, I am spreading the information around, and sharing it as much as I can to make people take the pledge with me.

How can you participate? You can simply check out the EARTH HOUR website itself as well as you can check out their official video Earth Hour 2012 ~ Official Video

Or you can join WWF dare for this year’s Earth Hour, where it is actually daring us all to save the planet. And I took the dare 😀

“I Will IF you Will”

  1. I accepted to use environmentally friendly shopping bags.
  2. to commit to earth hour.
  3. to recycle more.

WWF has also done this pledge that you can join on the causes website, here is the link for you to check it out 😀

I am proudly committed to this year’s Earth hour! ARE YOU?

*This is just one of the things I care about 😉