Found in Translation

I always thought about that………..
Just a few weeks ago I bought an Arabic book, when I found out it’s translated from the English Version.
I was a bit down, I always preferred reading a book in it’s original language. So this limits me to two main languages and two basic ones, “English and Arabic”, and “French and German”, respectively.
I always preferred reading the Arabic novels of the great write Nagib Mahfouz, and not the ones translated in English.
I used to believe you lose the meaning of many things, the in-between the lines thoughts… but a few days into reading my translated book and I am LOVING IT 😀
So coming by this post, I just had to reblog it 😀
So my dear friends enjoy reading it 😀 😉


Literature in translation is meat and if you are not reading them, you are missing out on a whole new world. Around 60% of all translations are from books originally published in English, but only 3% of books in a foreign language are translated into English. A glaring disparity without a doubt and one that smacks of arrogance? Or is it that translated works do not sell? Murakami, Paulo Coelho, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, T Steig Larsson are writers whose books sell in their millions. When I buy a book, the thought that never crosses my mind is whether it is a work of translation. I am happy as long as it is in English. All my favorite books were originally written in a different language. And yet there are readers who avoid reading translated works as they have no faith in the fidelity of the translations. They are more worried…

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